For a detailed documentation stay on this page 
Once you have downloaded Portalo from OpenNTF you just have to extract the template file from the archive. Copy the template file into your local Notes data directory. Afterwards please sign the template with your UserID. Alternativley you can copy the template file on your Domino server and sign it with the ServerID. Signing the template prevents you from getting error messages regarding missing user rights as the template is signed with my ID when you downloaded it.
Creating the database
With the prepared template file you can now create a new database from it. The database must reside on a Domino server to work properly. After creating the database you want to setup the ACL to your own structure and rights management. There are just a few things to notice though:
Give yourself or LocalDomainAdmins the right Manager and tick any role you find in the ACL to have full access to all functions
Give the Default users (authenticated users via web login) at least editor rights to perform document creating, editing and deleting options. Tick "Delete Documents" also
Give Anonymous Reader or No Access right
Setting up Portalo
Once you logged in into your Portalo database via the browser click on your name and in the menu on "My Profile" to set up general options.
What you can edit here:
Your Portalo name: this is just a text that is displayed on your Portalo start page
Refresh interval: this time in minutes is the interval after the widgets are refreshed automatically (the content is then reloaded)
RSS HTML Template: you can create your own html output for RSS streams here. To get an idea how to do that just refer to the "Default" tab and copy that source to your own code. Then you can modify it. If you don't specify any template html then the default one will be used to display RSS feed contents
Working with widgets
After the general setup just switch to the start page then to create your first widget now. You can do this my clicking "Add widget" in your user menu. In the dialog you enter some informations just to get the idea:
Title: just a title for the widget displayed
Height: give your widget a height in pixel
URI: the URI of the content page that will be loaded. Can be an RSS feed URL, too
If this is a feed URL then tick the checkbox "Is this an RSS feed?"
Show page summary: with RSS feeds you can set what will be displayed in the description of each entry
You can specify a page that will be opened when clicking on the title text. Leave it blank to have no action to be taken when clicking on it.
Scrolling activates scrollbars in the widget
Active: you can deactivate the widget without deleting it
Tab defaults always to a value of 1
Once you have downloaded Portalo from OpenNTF you just have to extract the template file from the archive. Copy the template file into your local Notes data directory. Afterwards please sign the template with your UserID. Alternativley you can copy the template file on your Domino server and sign it with the ServerID. Signing the template prevents you from getting error messages regarding missing user rights as the template is signed with my ID when you downloaded it.
Creating the database
With the prepared template file you can now create a new database from it. The database must reside on a Domino server to work properly. After creating the database you want to setup the ACL to your own structure and rights management. There are just a few things to notice though:
Give yourself or LocalDomainAdmins the right Manager and tick any role you find in the ACL to have full access to all functions
Give the Default users (authenticated users via web login) at least editor rights to perform document creating, editing and deleting options. Tick "Delete Documents" also
Give Anonymous Reader or No Access right
Setting up Portalo
Once you logged in into your Portalo database via the browser click on your name and in the menu on "My Profile" to set up general options.
What you can edit here:
Your Portalo name: this is just a text that is displayed on your Portalo start page
Refresh interval: this time in minutes is the interval after the widgets are refreshed automatically (the content is then reloaded)
RSS HTML Template: you can create your own html output for RSS streams here. To get an idea how to do that just refer to the "Default" tab and copy that source to your own code. Then you can modify it. If you don't specify any template html then the default one will be used to display RSS feed contents
Working with widgets
After the general setup just switch to the start page then to create your first widget now. You can do this my clicking "Add widget" in your user menu. In the dialog you enter some informations just to get the idea:
Title: just a title for the widget displayed
Height: give your widget a height in pixel
URI: the URI of the content page that will be loaded. Can be an RSS feed URL, too
If this is a feed URL then tick the checkbox "Is this an RSS feed?"
Show page summary: with RSS feeds you can set what will be displayed in the description of each entry
You can specify a page that will be opened when clicking on the title text. Leave it blank to have no action to be taken when clicking on it.
Scrolling activates scrollbars in the widget
Active: you can deactivate the widget without deleting it
Tab defaults always to a value of 1