I actually didn't think about writing something positive about Windows 10 here but I have to. Today I brought an old PC back to a new life using Windows 10. For several years I own 6 Windows 7 licenses (2 "Family Packs") that I used before. I have an old PC which I used as a media center some years ago before I started to use a Raspberry Pi for that. This PC is an "out-of-the-box" machine with an ancient AMD Athlon II X2 240 on board with an ATI Radeon 4250 and 2 GB of memory. I used Linux and Windows on this machine. It occurred that my father needs a new PC and my first thought was to bring this machine back to life for this purpose as it is quite fast and more than enough for what he is aiming to do with it.

To be short: after some hours it now runs Windows 10 with the latest update ("Anniversary Update") and I have to admit that it runs like a charm. But from the beginning:
I installed Windows 7 from my Family Pack. I skipped installing all the updates and the service pack 1, too, as Windows told me (after one of the numerous reboots) that there is Windows 10 available for this PC - wow! As you normally cannot update a Windows 7/8/8.1 PC after July 29th I just gave one of the "hacks" a try which allow you to do so even after this date. It worked. One problem I had in Windows 7 on this PC was the graphics card. Usually you have to install the drivers to get the full screen resolution (which I hadn't). After I installed Windows 10 this worked well - I got the full 1080p resolution. Of course it worked as a Radeon 4250 should be recognized by default by a current OS. Well done, Windows 10!

Another problem was the built-in WiFi chip and Bluetooth suppport on this board. Windows 7 didn't even told me that there was such hardware but Windows 10 installed everything needed during the upgrade - nice!
I now have a PC which is about 5 years old with a brand new OS running quite smoothly. I just ordered 2x4 GB SO-DIMM DDR3 memory for 40 bucks to speed things up a bit - 2 GB is way too less for any current system.
In this case Windows 10 does it's job very well.