It’s the time of the year again (for about one or two weeks now I guess?) to nominate an IBM Champion. I just learned that the nomination time is extended to November 1 - this is one extra week.
So please nominate YOUR IBM Champions here 

As it was for the last years, the form has changed - again. Even worse: it has a timeout which is very short.
So best practice is open the form you want to use (depending on who you would want to nominate), check all infos that are required and then prepare them in a text editor (you have to write some text, not only single words or just checking options).
After you prepared everything, open the form and paste the prepared content as fast you can - I know, this is ridiculous, but this form is challenging.
If you submitted your nomination successfully you should get a confirmation mail. If you don't receive it within some minutes, then something went wrong and you have to try again.
This is the reason why the person, who you are going to nominate, will appreciate it even more as this demands a quite huge amount of patience and preparation from you. So thank you in advance for taking the time to do so!
I didn't want to blog about it this year but as technical issues occur I have to.