A little bit over one week ago I started a personal call for teaming up with me to send an abstract for the upcoming Engage. The feedback was good. I immediately got messages from three people who wanted to co-speak with me. Unfortunately one of them wasn't able to coordinate the preparations for the abstract in time, so there were these gentlemen left:
- Roberto Boccadoro
- Mark Leusink
Both found some of my proposals interesting and also had ideas for them.
Mark reached out to me for speaking about DQL and what you can do with it. This session made it and we got accepted today:
"Now what can you really build with DQL and web components? (De09)"
Roberto wanted to talk about HCL Domino Volt - I am very interested in this product. Unfortunately this session wasn't accepted as HCL delivers their own sessions about it - that makes sense. It's good that Roberto is also speaking anyway:
"What is HCL Digital Experience (Ad14)"
a good question I also have and I plan to attend this session.
With my two colleagues from the OpenNTF board, Serdar and Paul, I also will organize a roundtable - in the last slot before the closing session on Wednesday.
I am really looking forward to see old friends and new faces which I didn't meet before (i.e. Devin Olson, Johnny Oldenburger, Martin Lechleider, Anrew Pollack and John Curtis).
See you there!