HCL released version 1.0.4 of HCL Domino Volt, the low-code platform that runs on your Domino server.
I had the chance to be part of an internal call in June this year when the team shared some new ideas about a new UI and the complete makeover of the workflow editor. The latter did not make its way into the new release, yet, but the new UI did.

Version 1.0.4 comes with some improvements though:
- a new data grid to display data from the same or another app
- a Richtext control to work with content we are used to in pure Notes apps
- new the UI already mentioned - it's more decent to my taste and now fits better to the design language of HCL products than before
- a new setting for service calls where you can define when a service will be called (before or after you submit your data)
- not checked yet: advanced integration with HCL Link
Read the details here: https://help.hcltechsw.com/domino_volt/1.0.4/whats_new.html
A complete list of all fixes can be found here: https://support.hcltechsw.com/csm?id=kb_article&sysparm_article=KB0079128
As before, Volt comes in different packages to be installed on Domino servers running on Windows or Linux. There is also an updated Docker image available which now runs Domino Server version 12 instead of 11 (as with 1.0.3 of Volt).
Running a Domino 12 server as a Docker container made it extremely easy for me to "update" to the Volt 1.0.4 image. I just loaded the Docker file into my Docker environment, stopped my current container and then created a new container using the same volume with the new image including Volt - all done in 5 minutes.
I will continue to test the new version and I hope to see the new visual workflow editor maybe in an upcoming release.