For me the last week (including the weekend) was filed under "collaboration" as the word stands for: working with customers directly using Lotus Quickr (yes, we still do!), working on customer projects, creating and working on a slide deck for our IBM Connect recap on this Thursday (, beeing a part of the great curators of ( and many, many Twitter conversations. It's all in the mix of that all for me. It is not a question of using a "tool" for that (I rarely use the tools I could use honestly). It's more about my own "attitude".
Lotus Quickr
Yeah, it may be outdated for someone but we still use it successfully to share data in projects. I don't (and didn't) like it very much but it integrates well in my personal working experience. Sure I use the company's own FileSilo ( instances to share data with special customers but customers who are aware of it use Quickr for themselves. So there is still some kind of confirmed habit to it.
Collabaration Today
Last week I was invited to participate on the e-emeeting regarding the upcoming (additional) people to curate the content of It is a great honor being a part of it now as I consumed the articles from the beginning. Now I have the chance to give "something back" to the community by moderating content of this site. Prior to this the site made a survey asking the readers what they expect CT to be in the future and if/ how each can help and contribute. As it is with OpenNTF this site is driven by enthusiastic people living and loving what they do and what others do. With many others I offered help to keep this "thing" alive by staying tuned to content related to IBM, Notes and other Collaborative Solution stuff. After the first week I can confirm that this is also a very agile community (not a closed society, so be part of it!) as I was used from that on OpenNTF (almost the same guys here, too). So don't be shy and if you want to offer help or have suggestions for articles, let us know here:
Being up-to-date in Domino development
You're reading You're watching OpenNTF? You know the hashtags on Twitter?
Great! Then you noticed that the Extension Library has just been released today! Go and grab it! I installed it today on all my machines (and clients) and took the chance to use the updated "Mobile Single Page Application Wizard" - it's just a dream! Go and try for yourself if you haven't been into that. You are able to create a mobile interface (CRUD-enabled) from an existing application optimized for your mobile device within a few minutes! It's now improved to pre-define action buttons to create, edit, update and delete data from your existing Domino application. It now has the "infinite scrolling" enabled by default for Domino view list pages - just ensure you use the latest Extlib on your web server for that (V2+). See a live demo here.
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And for those who might not know the sources yet: stay tuned by using the #XPages, #OpenNTF or #CollabToday hashtags on Twitter - you won't regret!