Today the lineup for the Engage.UG in March was announced and I am honored to be approved with one session, especially because this will be my first Engage.UG I will attend - and hopefully not my last 
Thank you for accepting me as a speaker! I am really looking forward to meet all the great folks (look at the lineup here) in Belgium on 30.+31. March!
- My session "Transformations - Smart Application Migration", Tuesday, March 31, 13:30 in "Room D: Blancquaert, 3rd floor"
In addition I also have 2 sessions at ICSUG in Bremen (26.+27. March). This is also a great event as I will meet my future co-workers there from We4IT.
- My sessions:
- "Transformations - Smart Application Migration", Thursday, March 26, 17:15 in "Room C"
- "Out of the Blue: Getting started with Bluemix and custom development", Friday, March 27, 11:30 in "Room B"
If you haven't already then register to those events, meet nice people and have a good time there with networkig, exchanging knowledge and good conversations.
If you see me at one of those venues don't be shy to stop by and talk to me 
Visit ICSUG website here:
Visit Engage.UG website here: