Holy sh...! What a great day!
As I already wrote these days are both exhausting and inspiring and full packed of fun. So the first day at Engage.UG started as usual: having breakfast, looking into all the tired eyes of the peeps I was hanging around with about some hours ago - at the bar. The event started just in time at 9am. The venue: "the Aula", the main auditorium of the Ghent University. It 's an imperessive building with black marble on the floor and white ornaments on the ceiling. The main hall had a seat for all of the ~ 330 attendees of this year's Engage conference. I saw the keynote as I saw it at ICS.UG before - except the IBM Verse demo that was somewhat different because it was "live" and not a screencapture.

The schedule was compact. After the keynote we all went down to "Het Pand" ("The Property"), the main venue, where we packed the bags and moved the furniture yesterday for preparation. Now, with >300 people inside it was just awesome!
Even today I met people (again), talked to them and had a great time. I attended every session I previously planned - and they all were very good and gave me a lot of information.

I have my session tomorrow - at "the Attic" (Room D). If you want to learn about best practices on how to transform some of the commonly used patterns in legacy application to XPages then join me under the roof!
Tonight I was also attending the so called "VIP Dinner". We had delicious food and drinks and talks.

Theo did a great job on the organization of everything. Thank you Theo for being this event one of the most appreciated one ever!