Today the beta 1 of Domino and Notes 10 was issued by HCL and IBM. The process to get it is different from the betas we had before. This time you needed an invitation to it. To get one you had to register a few weeks ago.
Grit in the gears
This process didn’t went that fluently for me. I received about 3 mails linking to the blog post that announced the beta program including the link to the registration page. I registered all the 3 times just to make sure I wont miss the announcement.
Only by accident I learned that only business partners and IBM Champions will be in the first wave of users to receive the key to download the beta - I am both. Somehow I didn’t receive the invitation to the community on developerWorks neither the activation key to download the packages. I also never received a confirmation after my registrations (opt-in) which is not unusual in the IBM cosmos.
Not getting the invitation made me think: was it because of my latest blog post that was somewhat critical about IBM products and strategies? I was assured that this had nothing to do with it at all but due to the simple fact that my name (email) wasn’t on the list of registrants - WTF? Something went wrong during this process - 3 times it seems.
However, I got my invitation to the community and the activation key for the download a few hours later thanks to my local IBM representative who’s name is Thomas Hampel, who just was announced as the new Domino App Dev Product Manager one week ago at DNUG. He was the one who clicked the magic button to send out the invitations. So thank you again, Thomas, for adding me later!
More sand
After I downloaded the packages (Windows only at the moment) I tried to install Domino 10 on a blank VM. As I write down this there is a problem with the server's package which is corrupted so you cannot extract and install it.

The client package worked well (Client, Designer, Admin) but I did not set it up yet because I want it to point to the Domino 10 machine which I couldn’t install today. HCL is aware of the problem and there is a forum post in the beta community that keeps us updated.
So stay tuned for more about V10 beta 1 during the next days when I managed to set up the server and the client as well.
Of course I started the client installer and found the composite application stuff is still selectable though it won't be continued. I guess this will be removed in the final version.

For those curious natures this is the new artwork in the splash screen for Notes 10:

... to be continued ("Back to the Future")
UPDATE: alternative download
Don't be too excited, it's gone. At night time here in the CEST zone IBM published a fixed file of the Domino package on Box. This was obviously a temporary upload because it was already unavailable for me when I checked it at 8:30 am CEST.
I don't know what's going on at IBM/HCL and who was responsible for the uploads and what happened to the data once it was published on the official download page and to be honest: I don't care about and I don't want to blame someone. In this case I act like a customer, I am only interested in the results. I only know that this is not a good start at all.
Besides the frustration on several fronts about not being in the wave of beta 1 testers (even some IBM Champions were excluded) I am really enjoying the sarcastic posts on Twitter.
To use a temporary upload to a solution not everyone has an account for (Box) and forces us to get one to accept the invitation instead of just using the damn files section of the secured Connections community on developerWorks is also a question I'd like to ask (and of course asked in the forum). So again, stay tuned - tension is almost unbearable 
UPDATE: Box files
It seems the files are still there - but I cannot see the page I was invited to (the folder I guess). No worries, there are other ways to get the files...