On December 21 IBM announced the Champions for 2019. I’ve been around this wonderful group of professionals since 2015 but I’ll have to leave for the next year. If there once will be a returning is questionable as IBM sold the main ICS products to HCL recently. I am expecting to run for something similar HCL might run such as an „HCL CWP Advocate“ program. If so, I’d be happy to join - and I will work to earn this if time allows me to do. I will continue to blog about Notes and Domino and other stuff from what I think others may find it helpful and interesting.
A bit sad about not getting the 5 year milestone I am proud to be around those people for that period. It allowed me to get in touch with awesome professionals and colleagues, colleagues and professionals becoming friends and overall I had a great time. The benefit of getting the latest news about IBM related stuff was also a plus. What I will miss the most is the possibility to chat with those people in the closed channels or spaces in IBM Watson Workspace but of course we stay connected with other means - and that’s what counts.
To all new and repeating members in the class of 2019 but especially for those who also were not renewed: it was and is an honor to work with you!