I just experienced a problem using the cool CKE Bootstrap Skin (https://github.com/Kunstmaan/BootstrapCK4-Skin) after the upgrade to fixpack 2 these days. I just wanted to create a new post here as I saw: no CKE anymore to see in my XPage 
Even the installation of the lates version from Github did not fix this issue. As I am not familiar enough to troubleshoot this issue I just removed the skin wherever I used it in my Bootstrapped applications *sigh*
So if you use e.g. a version of my FileSilo or any other apps from me using Bootstrap please check if they work after the upgrade. Otherwise remove the Dojo-attribute from the richtext control called "skin".
I saw this tweet this morning and the comments point out that info, too: https://twitter.com/BGleesonIE/status/502749076497391617
And yes, the line
CKEDITOR.skins.add( 'BootstrapCK-Skin', (function()
is the one that causes the error so commenters may be right. Per Lausten linked me to this one and this is still working: http://ckeditor.com/forums/Skins-and-Icon-Sets/BootstrapCK-Skin
But not enough
The Dojo attribute "toolbarType" with the value "Full" doesn't work anymore, too. I miss tools such as styles (cite, code, typewriter stuff) and the source tab. Per Lausten also found another issue: http://per.lausten.dk/blog/2014/08/xpages-and-domino-9-0-1-fp2-upgrades-to-ckeditor-and-dojo.html
The proof
I just reverted one of my servers back to 901FP1 - and now the Richtext Control works like a charm though I cannot use the Bootstrap-Skin that Per pointed out.
See what the differences are:
This is with FP1

This is with FP2

This is what my implementation looks like:
<xp:inputRichText id="inputRichText1"
value="#{document1.postBody}" htmlFilter="identity"
<xp:dojoAttribute name="width"
<xp:dojoAttribute name="toolbarType"
name="extraPlugins" value="autogrow">
<xp:dojoAttribute name="skin">
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[#{javascript:return "";
return @ClientType().equals("Web") ? "BootstrapCK-Skin,/"+database.getFilePath()+"/bscke/" : ""}]]></xp:this.value>
<xp:this.dojoType><![CDATA[#{javascript:return "";
return @ClientType().equals("Web") ? "org.openntf.filesilo.CKEDITOR" : ""}]]></xp:this.dojoType>
As you can see I deactivated the usage of the Bootstrap skin.
After some dabbling and testing and also with the help from the community (esp. Per) I now can resume the update with the following:
- You can use Fixpack 2 if you adapt the changes to the Dojo attributes to your Richtext controls
- You can use the Bootstrap skin (see link above)
- You can both use the attributes "toolbarType" and "toolbar" without getting errors to be compatible with 9.01FP1 and FP2
- You can set the toolbar options to valid values as "Slim", "Medium", "Large" and "Full"
- You can even use the new spell checker (the dialog is also skinned if you use the Bootstrap skin)
After all: a lot of hassle for nothing - if you know how or you know someone who knows it